Have Your Say: Needs and expectations of the new Sports Capital Programme grant application system
Big Motive is delighted to be working with the Department of Tourism, Culture, Arts, Gaeltacht, Sport, and Media (DTCAGSM) to support the design of the new Sports Capital Programme grant application system.
We would like to hear from individuals representing organisations that are eligible to receive funding through the Sports Capital Programme, to understand how the new grant application system can best meet your needs and expectations. Whether you have, or have not, previously applied for a Sports Capital Programme grant, your feedback will play a key role in the design of the new system
Get Involved
For more information, please read the FAQs below.
What is the Sports Capital Programme?
The Sports Capital Programme is the primary vehicle for government support for the development of sports and physical recreation facilities and the purchase of non-personal sports equipment throughout Ireland. Its objectives are to:
- Assist voluntary and community organisations, national governing bodies (NGBs) of sport, local authorities and Education and Training Boards and schools to develop high quality, accessible, safe, well-designed, sustainable facilities in appropriate locations and to provide appropriate equipment to help maximise participation in sport and physical recreation
- Prioritise the needs of disadvantaged areas and groups (such as people with disabilities) in the provision of sports facilities
- Encourage the sharing of sports facilities by clubs, community organisations and national governing bodies of sport
Who can apply for funding through the Sports Capital Programme?
Grants are available to voluntary, not-for profit sports clubs, community groups, National Governing Bodies (NGBs) of sport and local authorities. Third level colleges, Education and Training Boards (ETBs) and schools may only apply for funding jointly with sports clubs or organisations
Why is this research taking place?
The Sports Capital Programme (SCP) is managed by the Department of Tourism, Culture, Arts, Gaeltacht, Sport, and Media (DTCAGSM). Currently, grant applicants use an online system called the Online Sports Capital Register (OSCAR) to apply for, and manage, SCP grants.
DTCAGSM is currently designing a new version of its grant application and management platform, with the goal of providing a modernised, streamlined, and more user friendly experience for grant applicants and grantees.
DTCAGSM has commissioned a design and research agency, Big Motive, to conduct a survey to better understand the perceptions and experiences of individuals who represent organisations that are eligible to receive SCP grant funding. These insights will be used to ensure that the new version of the grant application and management system is created to meet the needs and expectations of its users.
Why have I been chosen as a participant?
The opportunity to provide feedback is available to any person representing an organisation that is eligible to receive funding from the SCP. We welcome input from organisations who have, or have not, previously applied for an SCP grant.
What will I be asked to do, and what data will you collect?
Should you wish to take part, please access the online survey using the provided link. The survey will take approximately 15 minutes to complete.
If you have previously applied for an SCP grant, you will be asked about your experience doing so, including any challenges you faced when using the SCP grant management system. If you have not previously applied for an SCP grant, you will be asked about how the DTCAGSM could encourage your organisation, and similar organisations, to apply.
All responses will be anonymous.
Where will the research take place?
You will be asked to complete the survey online, in your own time.
Do I have to take part? What if I change my mind?
You are under absolutely no obligation to take part. Participation in this research will have no impact on current or future grant applications from your organisation. You are free to change your mind at any time prior to submitting your responses. Please note that we will be unable to delete your responses once submitted, as they will be anonymous.
What will happen to data collected during my involvement?
The data collected during your involvement will be combined with data collected from all other participants in this research. Big Motive will analyse this data to look for common themes and recommendations for the new version of the SCP grant application and management system.
Data will be stored securely and will be processed in line with GDPR requirements. By participating in this research, you are consenting to your data being processed in the manner stated above.
Are there any benefits involved in taking part?
By taking part in this research, you will ensure that your organisation’s opinions, needs, and expectations will be considered in recommendations for the design and development of the new SCP grant application and management system. Participation in this research will have no impact on current or future grant applications from your organisation.
Are there any risks involved in taking part?
There are no risks associated with taking part in this study.
Who should I contact if I have any questions or concerns?
If you have any questions or concerns regarding participation in this study, please contact SportsCapitalProgrammes@tcagsm.gov.ie